What Is A Rotarian? And What Does Rotary Mean To Me?

My first Rotary meeting was in 2017. I had been curious about Rotary for some time because I had seen posts from their social media about service and I was looking for ways to get involved in my community. If you’re unfamiliar, each meeting typically has a program or a speaker, this particular meeting’s program was a belly dancer. After seeing a few of the members “volunteer” for the program and watching Virginia Panico shake down the Chief of Police for being published in the paper I thought to myself, “this is the club for me”.

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Start Small @ Home

Because when you think about it, isn’t that always what trips us up, what ends up holding us back in the end from doing something great? The perfectionism of it all? The fact that something might not be perfect or “big” enough therefore we wait going until it is perfect to get started?

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