Celebrate Everything!
I often feel as though I’m the last one to find out about things. For example, two years ago I was perusing through a magazine when I saw that August 1st was National Girlfriends Day. Say whaaaat?! How the hell long had this been going on and why didn’t I know about it. I mean seriously, how could I not know about this. I’m the self-proclaimed queen of celebrations and adore my girlfriends.
Night #1 in Savannah, GA- Life Enhancement Week 2012
I’m always all like, “damn, I wish I would have known that was going on, I totally would have gone to that.” Like last year when I saw that all of the sudden Key West had outdoor movies! Once I found out I quickly researched and I was relieved to find out I had only missed out on one showing and the next movie up would be Sandlot. I mean really, Sandlot, on the beach, with 5 of your friends, does it get any better than that?! Oh wait, it does when you bring all the necessary supplies to make s’mores during the infamous treehouse campout scene. #boom
This year something similar happened when I realized that August 2nd could soon become one of my favorite days of the year because it’s one day celebrating 4 of my favorite things!
1. National Sister’s Day
2. National Ice Cream Sandwich Day- When I was a kid I called them bread popsicles. Now I call them heaven, which is why my homeslice K.Story made this giant ice cream cookie sandwich cake for my birthday this year. Chocolate chip with vanilla gelato. I’m still dreaming about it. #getinmybelly
3. National Friendship Day-
See #2. Just one example of how awesome my friends are. Always surrounded by love, laughter, happiness, and support.
4. National Coloring Book Day- Coloring is a favorite past time of mine. I was somewhat of a fanatic about my crayon collection and could be found hoarding all the crayons with a “point” so no one else could use them while my sister tried to stay in the lines with the dullest crayons you can imagine, probably RoseArt brand.
When it comes to crayons we all know Crayola is king. This was my favorite aisle in Toys R Us or any store for that matter:
I’m also fairly certain I got one of these bad boys every year for Christmas from the time I was two until they retired it in the mid 90’s:
As you can see from the photo above of my birthday cookie I turned 31 this year and figure its time to get back to coloring. Click here for a link to my fave, Erin Condren, who just came out with an adult coloring book. Apparently adult coloring books are all the rage. I’m also a HUGE fan of her Life Planner collection.
I’m always looking for a reason to celebrate and who wouldn’t want to sit around with their sisters and friends coloring and eating ice cream sandwiches (insert girl with raised hand emoji here)?!
Bummed you missed out on August 1st and 2nd celebrations? Have no fear, below are 28 more reasons to celebrate August!
August 3- Watermelon Day
August 4- Assistance Dog Day
August 5- Oyster Day
August 6- Root Beer Float Day
August 7- International Beer Day
August 8- Happiness Happens Day
August 9- Book Lovers Day
August 10- S’mores Day
August 11- Play In The Sand Day
August 12- Middle Childs Day
August 13- International Lefthanders Day
August 14- Creamscicle Day
August 15- Corn On The Cob Day
August 16- Rollercoaster Day
August 17- Thrift Shop Day
August 18- Bad Poetry Day
August 19- Photography Day
August 20- Lemonade Day
August 21- Spumoni Day
August 22- Be An Angel Day
August 23- Ride The Wind Day
August 24- International Bad Music Day
August 25- Whiskey Sour Day
August 26- Dog Day
August 27- Burger Day
August 28- Bow Tie Day
August 29- Franchise Appreciation Day
August 30- Toasted Marshmallow Day
August 31- Trail Mix Day